

Get rid of lovehandles

Getting rid of bloat can be a difficult process, but it is achievable with the right combination of diet and exercise. It is important to know that weight loss does not just mean taking in fewer calories, but also making conscious choices about what you eat and how much you exercise. A balanced diet with nutritious foods such as lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, fibre, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals provides the fuel your body needs for energy and makes you burn fat more efficiently. Besides healthy diet, regular exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Cardio, such as running or cycling combined with strength training can help build muscle mass while burning fat.
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Customer reviews fat freezing

'Thanks to cryolipolysis, I got rid of stubborn belly fat'

'Result after the first time already'

'It really doesn't hurt'

Before and after belly fat freezing

Losing lovehandles

Achieving long-term success in getting rid of puffiness requires commitment to diet and exercise, combined with good sleep habits. Healthy eating habits include consuming enough calories according to your individual needs based on your height, weight, age and activity level; and choosing rich foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts/seeds/ pulses and so on. Lean proteins such as fish/chicken/turkey and so on. Low-fat dairy products and healthy fats like olive oil or avocado oil instead of unhealthy processed foods high in added sugars or saturated fats.
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How your body stores fat

The body stores fat in certain ways. Stress can cause your body to have higher cortisol levels and lower testosterone levels. This makes you produce less muscle and burn fat less quickly. The hormone insulin also plays an important role in storing fat. When you eat too many sugars and fast carbs, insulin levels get out of balance, making it easier to store fat. So to burn more fat, it is important to keep your insulin levels balanced. So a low-carb diet can be very effective for getting a tight belly faster.In addition, genetics play a role in where your body stores fat and how much it can store. This means that some people are more prone to fat deposits around their waist than others.

Thereby, stubborn belly fat can be easily removed with fat freezing treatment. Do you find it difficult to get rid of your love handles with dieting and exercise? Then fat freezing is a good option!

After 3-5 weeks, you start to notice results. After 12 weeks, you will see the optimal results from 1 treatment.
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Frequently asked questions fat freezing

What is fat freezing?
Fat freezing, or cryolipolysis, is a proven and safe method of permanently removing fat cells. The skin with excess fat cells is exposed to a constant temperature of -9°. As a result, the fat cells crystallise at that spot, die off and are broken down by the body. This happens naturally: you urinate out the broken-down cells. The fat cells are permanently removed. After 3-5 weeks, you start to see the first results. Fat freezing is the most effective and non-invasive way to get rid of unwanted fat.
Why choose fat freezing?
Cryolipolysis is the safest and most effective way for permanent fat loss. It is the ideal solution for fat loss. Fat freezing allows you to lose fat in a targeted and localised way. The fat cells drained after the treatments do not return. Despite dieting, exercising or a healthy lifestyle, it can be very difficult to get rid of fat. This treatment is non-invasive. That means no needles, injections or anaesthetics are used. The skin remains intact. After the treatment, you can resume your daily activities as usual!
Is fat freezing dangerous with the Clatuu Alpha?
Fat freezing is the safest way of fat removal, so it is not dangerous. There is no need to cut or puncture. There is also no need for anaesthesia as the treatment is painless. The skin is protected by using high-quality gel pads during the procedure. Only the fat cells are targeted as specifically the fat cells are hypersensitive to cold. The other cells, skin and organs are neither damaged nor adversely affected by fat freezing.

Free E-book: Healthy lifestyle and fat reduction

Healthy and tasty recipes

Tips for exercising more

Why intermittent fasting helps you lose weight

The best snacks for weight loss

Information about proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Freezing fat as an aid

How to combine cryolipolysis with a healthy diet

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